Kalki- The Ultimate Avenger

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‘यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत । अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ।। परित्राणाय साधूनाम् विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् । धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे’ ।।

“Yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir-bhavati bhārata, abhyutthānam-adharmasya tadātmānaṃ sṛjāmyaham ! Paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṃ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām, dharma-saṃsthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yugē yugē!

As said by Narayan or Shree Krishna himself in the battle field of Kurukshetra in Mahabahrata to Dhanajay Arjun which means ‘Whenever there will be a fall of Dharma and the rise of Adharma I will descend myself to this earth’.


Dharma means when there is happiness, equality, divinity, virtue, knowledge, righteousness among people and society; Adarma on the other hand is just opposite to Dharma or during the rise of Adharma there will be sinfulness, wickedness, unhappiness and lack of divinity, knowledge, righteousness, equality.

According to Hinduism there is a cycle of four Yugas Satyayug (Golden age), Treta yug (Silver age), Dwapar yug (Bronze age) and Kaliyug (Iron age).

In every yuga Vishnu has taken Avatar.

Satyug- Matsya, Varha, Kurma, Narsima ect.

Tretayug- Ram

Dwaparyug- Krishna


Kaliyug- Kalki

Adharma has started to become prominent in the present time or Kaliyug and the time is getting closer for Vishnu’s final avatar to descend himself on this earth and he is no other than Kalki the greatest avenger of all.

Kalki avatar is said to emerge as a fierce warrior and he will look exactly the same like Krishna and Rama with a fiery sword gifted to him by Shiva.


Kalki will be riding a huge white horse named Devdatt. His mission will be to kill the demon who is sitting inside majority of the human beings remove all the Adharmi human beings from this earth and end this Kaliyug then start Satyayug.

There are many evidences that are proving that the arrival of Kalki is near and these evidences are written in the 16th century in Jagannath Puri temple by Saint Sri Achyutananda Das in a book named Bhaviysha Malika which has stated many things like:

The three divine rivers Saraswati, Yamuna and Ganga are said to become dry and go to heaven the day these three rivers vanish the Kaliyug will end. The current situation is also going towards the same as Saraswati river has already dried up, and a recent study says that Ganga and Yamuna are going to dry up and end till 2032.

The Arun Stambh which is a 34 feet pillar situated in front of  Jagannath Puri temple will break down; and this is also happening the Arun Stambh has developed a huge crack which is getting much bigger many efforts have been made to repair it but it did not work as after a few days the crack again becomes prominent.

This prediction is the most dangerous one that the World War 3 will begin and this will be a nuclear war. The Corona Virus outbreak was also predicted in Bhaviysha Malika. There are many more predictions in Bhaviysha Malika

Jagannath Puri temple  symbolizes all the predictions that are made in Bhaviysha Malika and it is said that the end of Kaliyug will begin from Jaganath Puri and it can be already seen.

The arrival of Kalki avatar is said to be in 2026 according to Vishnu Puran.

There is  a link of the 7 Chiranjeevis or the immortals as they are eagerly waiting for Kalki to arrive and these 7 Chiranjeevis are: Hanuman, Parshuram, Ashwathama, Kripacharya, Bali, Maharishi Vyas, Vibhishan.

All these Chiranjeevis will be a part of Kalki avatar’s mission like Hanuman will give knowledge to Kalki about the Asth Sidhi and Nav Nidhi, Parshuram will be the Guru of Kalki.

Afterwards Kalki will begin with his mission of slaying Adharm out of this universe and there will be a mass destruction to everything including mankind afterwards of all this Kalki will make the chakra of Satyug begin.

The arrival of Kalki avatar is confirm as because Adharm is rising every day and we are not even thinking about all this and we are busy with the futile material world

But just think once is this futile world really that sustainable or will this be our saviour?

The answer is no…

The best way to live this life beautifully is by being a Sadachari, accepting yourself as the child of mother nature and god.

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