Happiness or Silliness!!!

Estimated read time 4 min read

Happiness, happiness, happiness, everyone is happy around us but are they really that much happy or they are pretending in such a way to hide their sadness that is thriving inside them.

There are many examples to this like many people become happy if they are going to watch a movie, some become happy by just gobbling on unhealthy food, many get happy by just doing some unwanted fidgeting on their smartphones, drinking alcohol or addiction to any other bad thing is another mode of happiness for many people.

However, all these reasons for happiness are totally fake and silly so this is not happiness rather this is your silliness.

I don’t understand what is the point of being happy for these foolish reasons but why does every one want to be happy for these reasons?

This is because majority of people are depressed from inside but are pretending to be happy but they are lying to themselves first of all and these people have nothing new in their lives their life is fully artificial.

It is not tough for me to call social media a fake media as majority of the people active on social media and their profiles are fake, I mean fake in the sense like people are just posting their own photos or so called ‘selfies’ in their and all their happy moments in there but are they happy all the time I don’t think so it is very tough for these kind of depressed and desperate people to stay happy all the time.

Many people will say that why on earth are you bothered about our small happy moments as it is very important to stay happy with small things…

Everyone should stay happy in the real sense not for these silly reasons there is happiness in every speck of nature feeling and recognizing this happiness given by mother nature is an art and no other place is better other than a forest to feel this like a cold breeze, the sound made by leaves, chirping of leaves, blooming flowers, green grass, beautiful wild animals ect.

Enjoying the Happiness in Meadows and Forests

But these happily silly people will say what is there to be so happy with these things so if you don’t want to be happy with the things that must be the real reason for being happy.

Thus why do you want to be happy with these silly reasons???

There are other real reasons for staying happy like doing 5 – 10 kilometers running or walking doing yoga and meditation.

There is also an example of this from the Hindu epic Mahabharat when the Veer  Abhimanyu the son of Arjun enters the Chakrayuh and the time when he was fighting, all the warriors who came in front of him were killed by this mighty warrior. Abhimanyu at this time seemed like a fire spreading across and the warriors were like dragon flies getting engulfed by this dangerously ferocious fire, when he was fighting with 4-6 strong warriors or Mhahrathis alone he was happy at that time.

Veer Abhimanyu

So this is a very mighty and big example from the epic Mahabharata and this kind of happiness people can’t even think now.

It is very important for all of us to stay happy but not for those unwanted silly reasons otherwise because this happiness is artificial not at all good for us.

A human being needs to spend every moment of their lives happily but it seems for these silly people impossible and the will be dependent on these silly reasons for being happy until they die so the happiness that they show everyone is not happiness rather it is silliness……

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